Cell Gathering


1 Thessalonians 5:11 - Therefore encourage and comfort one another and build up one another, just as you are doing.


God never intended us Christians to have a self-centered lifestyle. As Bible teaches us, we all are one body made up of different parts. And we all are baptized by one Spirit into one body. Hence we need to make connection with each other as we all are part of one body, the Church.

A cell is the basic unit of life in human body. A healthy human body depends on the multiplication of its cells. Likewise, Church is the body of Christ. For spiritually healthy church we require cell groups to nurture each other with Christ as the Head and center of these cell groups.

As it says in Romans 1:12 … that we may be mutually encouraged and comforted by each other’s faith, both yours and mine, these group meetings has personal care to encourage each other.

We began our cell gatherings in the year 2015.


To nourish each other spiritually so as to fulfill the vision of ‘The Great Commission’ given to us by Christ, the Head of our body, the Church.


  • To minister, encourage and teach each other.
  • Create a platform to develop God given talents so that we become fruitful for His kingdom.
  • To minister the service faithfully which leads to increased responsibilities in the kingdom of heaven, and eternal joy in the presence of the Master, Jesus Christ
  • To develop a close and friendly relation with each other


  1. We meet the first Thursday of every month because for us in Qatar, weekend starts on this day.
  2. Each cell group has a leader to coordinate the meetings and venue.
  3. Each person in a cell is given new responsibility for each meeting so as to develop themselves.
  4. Short Messages
  5. Intercessory prayers
  6. Psalm exhortations
  7. Talent shows
  8. Bible quizzes
  9. Games
  10. Gifts to encourage the participants
  11. Each cell group has a respective whatsapp group with daily activities like daily online prayers by different members of the group; daily short messages allotted to different persons each day; online quiz; sharing useful video clips.


Our Cell groups are divided into six cell groups:

  • Rehoboth
  • Zion
  • Tabor
  • Judah
  • Gilead
  • Youth in Christ for bachelors

If you would like to be a part of the cell gathering, please do fill out the form or  you may also contact us at

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© Divine New Life Fellowship, 2023