Day - 25 - Topics
The Parables which reveal the coming of Jesus Christ
- Parable of the fig tree - Matt. 24: 32-36; cf. Luk. 21:29; Hos. 9:10.
- The time of Noah - Matt.24:37-42; Gen.6; Rev. 12:6,14.
Day - 25
Day 26 – Topics
- People who are accepted and denied - Matt. 24:40-42
- Like a thief - Matt. 24:43,43; Luk. 17:34-36. cf. 2 Pet.3:10
- The Faithful servant turns to unfaithful - Matt. 24:45-51
- Virgins- Matt.25:1-13
- Talents - Matt.25:14-30
The divisions of Mankind in Bible through the ages
1. Man - Adam to Abraham - Genesis 6:1
2. Hebrews (Israel) and Nations - Abraham to Jesus Christ - Genesis 12:1
3. Jews (Israel), Gentiles (Nations) and Church of God - Day of Pentecost to Rapture - 1 Cor. 10:32
4. 24 elders, Christian martyrs in great tribulation, Israel and 144000 and wicked (rest of all) - Rev. 4:4,10; 5:5,8; 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 15:1-4; 20:4-6; 7:2-8; 14:1.
Day - 26
Day 27 – Topics
The Judgment seat of Christ
1. We all will come in front of the Judgment seat. - 2 Cor. 5:10; Rom.14:10
2. Meaning of the Greek term 'Bema' -
3. Time of the judgment seat
a. After the secret coming of Christ in the clouds - 1 Cor. 4:5
b. After the resurrection of Just - Luk. 14:14
c. That day - 2 Tim. 4:8; 1 Cor. 4:5
d. Before the marriage of the Lamb - Rev. 19:7,8.
e. At the time when judgment on earth is in progress - Rev. 11:18.
4. Place of the judgment seat - In heaven -1 Thes. 4:17; Rev. 4:1,2.
Day - 27
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