The Judgment seat of Christ – Continued….
5. Judge in the Judgment seat
a. John 5:22,27.
b. 2 Tim. 4:1
c. Acts 10:42; 17:30,31.
6. the measure for judgment
a. According to truth - Rom. 2:2
b. Righteous - Rom. 2:5
c. According to deeds - Rom. 2:6-10
d. No respect of persons - Rom. 2:11
e. According to the given Law - Rom. 2:12
f. According to the testimony of conscience - Rom. 2:15 (Acts 24:16)
g. According to the gospel - Rom. 2:16.
7. Purpose of Bema
a. Not for condemnation - Rom. 8:1
b. No more remembering sins which committed until saved - Heb. 10:17
c. To receive the rewards - 1 Cor. 3:14, 15.
8. Results of the sins at present ( After saved)
a. Loss of fellowship with God - Psalms 32:3-5
b. Divine discipline from the Lord - Heb. 12:5-11
c. It will cause to loss the kingdom of God if living in sin - Gal. 5:19-21.
d. Break the relations - Gal. 5:15
e. Defile others - Heb. 12:15
f. Sickness and loss of physical health - 1 Cor. 11:29,30.
g. Loss of rewards - 1 Cor. 3:13-15.
9. What works will be rewarded?
a. Secrets - Rom. 2:16
b. Every words - Matt. 12:32-37.
c. Behavior that affect others - Rom. 14:1-21
Day - 28
Day 29 – Topics
The Rewards
A. The Crowns
1. Crown of life - Jam. 1:12
2. Incorruptible crown - 1 Cor. 9:25
3. Crown of rejoicing - 1 Thes. 2:19
4. Crown of righteousness - 2 Tim. 4:8
5. Crown of glory - 1 Pet. 5:4.
Day - 29
Day 30 – Topics
B. The rewards for!
1. Persecution - Matt. 5:12
2. For alms giving - Matt. 6:3,4
3. For secret prayers - Matt. 6:6.
4. For fasting - Matt. 6:17,18.
5. For receiving servants of God - Matt. 10:41
6. For giving to disciples - Matt. 10:42.
7. For being faithful - Matt. 25:21
8. For denying self - Matt. 16:24
9. For free lending - Luk. 6:33-35
10. For ministering the church - 1 Cor. 3:8
11. For willful evangelism - 1 Cor. 9:16,17
12. Any services as to the Lord - Col. 3:23,24
13. For confidence - Heb. 10: 35.
C. Be careful to not loss rewards - 2 Jn. 8.
Day - 30
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