Day - 22 - Topics
Order of the Events in Great Tribulation
Divisions of Great Tribulation
- Beginning of the events - Matthew 24:4-14( Rev.6:1,2)
- Wars - Matthew 24:6 ( rev.6:3,4)
- Famine - ( Matthew 24:7(Rev.6:5,6)
- Death - Matthew 24:7,8(Rev. 6:7,8)
Day - 22
Day - 23 - Topics
- Martyrs in the great Tribulation - Matt. 24:9-11 ( Rev.6:9-11 cf. Rev. 20:4; Rev.7:9-17; 15:2-4; 20:4-6)
- The calamity in the nature - Rev. 6:12-17; Luk. 21: 25,26.
- Global restlessness - Matt. 24:10-13
- People who endures for the last - Matt. 24:13
- The gospel of the kingdom - Matt. 24:14.
Day - 23
Day - 24 - Topics
- Centre period of the Tribulation - Matt. 24;15-22 (Rev.13, cf. Dan.9:27; 2 Thes. 2:4)
- End of the Great Tribulation - Matt. 24:29-31 (Rev.16)
Day - 24
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