Eschatology Bible Class - Page 11


Day 31 – Topics 

The First Gog- Magog war

  1. The anti-Christ will make a treaty of seven years with Israel - Dan.9:26,27; Rev. 6:1,2.
  2. But He will face an attack from North - Dan.11:40 ( Though it is upon Israel, since Anti-Christ made the treaty with them it will be considered as against him.)
  3. The details about this war is found in Ezekiel chapters 38 & 39.
  4. The chapter 37 of Ezekiel is the prophecy of Israel's restoration by first and second world wars.
  5. The war alliances - The Gog Magog alliance. ( Russia(38:2,3), Persia, Ethiopia, Libya, Germany or eastern Europe, Turkey etc.
  6. The war field - Israel(38:8,9)
  7. Target - 38:11,12
  8. End of the war - 38:19-22
  9. The six fifth of the army will come to fight - 39:2
  10. God will send fire in Magog and coastal places - 39:6
  11. Israel will use the weapons of enemies as firewood for seven years - 39:9
  12. The burial will be lasting for seven months - 39:12-14
  13. This will be a nuclear war - 39:15,16.
  14. The prophet Joel also prophesied about it - 2:1-11,20.
  15. The Palestine will be totally in the hold of Anti-Christ and he will break the treaty with Israel - Dan.9:27;11:44.


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Day 32 – Topics 

 The Judgement on Babylon - Revelation Chapters 17,18.

The judgement upon false religion - Chapter 17.

1. Babylon is the way of work ( Salvation by work)

2. It begins with the very first man Adam, after his fall Gen.3

3. It progress with Cain - Gen.4

4. It made its foundation by Nimrod and Semiramis - Gen.10,11.

5. It spread all over the world from Babylon.

6. It en-rooted in Christianity with the conversion of emperor Constantine.

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Day 33 – Topics 

About Babylon (Revelation 17)

  1. Revelation 17:1-3- The woman is the great city - 17:18.
  2. Revelation 17:3 - The woman sits upon the beast
  3. Revelation 17:2 - She is a Harlot - cf. book of Hosea
  4. Revelation 17:2 - She sitteth upon many waters - Apostate church. - 17:15
  5. Revelation 17:5 - Name written on fore-head 
  6. Revelation 17:6 - Drunken the blood of saints and Jesus' witnesses
  7. Revelation 17:6 - John marvels at her
  8. Revelation 17:7 - The mystery of beast - cf. Chr. 13
    • Blasphemous names- 17:3
    • Has seven heads - 17:3
    • Has ten Horns - 17:3
    • The prostitute rides it - 17:7
    • The beast was, and is not, and will come out of the bottomless pit - 17:11
  9. Revelation 17:8 - Beast receives worship - cf. 13:
  10. Revelation 17:9 - Seven mountains - Rome
  11. Seven kings - The seven kingdoms on earth.
  12. Revelation 17:12,13 - European common market. 

Day - 33

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