Day - 13 - Topics
Three Sounds at His coming
- With a Shout - v.16
- Voice of the Archangel
- God's Trumpet
Day - 14 - Topics
Discerning the signs
Important passages - Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21.
These are the signs of three major events.
- The destruction of the temple.
- Second coming of the Lord.
- The end of the age.
- None can predict the time of second coming - Mat.24:36-44; Mark 13:32-33; Acts 1:6,7.
- As the days of Noah - Luke 17:26-30.
Day - 15 - Topics
Discerning the signs (contd.)
- Do not be deceived - Matt.24:4-8
- Denial and persecution - Matt.24:9-13
- Spreading of the Gospel - Matt.24:14.
- Prediction of the time - Acts 1:6,7.
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